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Our church family is directly involved in many missions and ministries - both here in our community and around the world.  Take a look and see where God might be calling you to step out in faith!

1st & 3rd Wednesdays 9:30 - 11am


(Mothers of Preschoolers)

MOPS, Mothers of Preschoolers, gathers and supports moms. MOPS believes in the simple but revolutionary idea that remarkable things happen when moms come together, face to face. That’s why they rally women to come together in their own neighborhoods and help each other through this thing called motherhood, one gathering at a time.


Infants, toddlers and preschoolers are cared for during the moms' program time.  If you would like to be involved with our MOPS group by rocking babies or tending to toddlers or preschoolers, please contact our church secretary.


Twice each month, we rock babies, play with toddlers and teach pre-schoolers so their moms can gather with other moms and get support and encouragement.  This mission is coordinated by members of our church family.

Mature Missionaries

We gather once a month for good food, fellowship and interesting conversation - including presentations by our members.

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Open Door Ministries

Each month, members of our church family provide 2 gallons of milk and serve at the Open Door's Soup Kitchen.

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Operation Mobilization

Operation Mobilization is a Christian missionary organization founded by George Verwer to mobilize young people to live and share the Gospel of Jesus. OM, as it is known, started in Mexico and had spread to Europe and India by 1963.  A former member of our church family is now serving in full-time ministry for this organization.

Upstate Jail Ministry and AfterCare

Twice each week, members of our church family, and others from the wider church body, meet with men and women who are incarcerated and share the Good News of Jesus Christ.

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